Saturday, May 7, 2011

Diggin' in the Garden

     What a good morning, spent diggin' in a garden. Boy, do I love serving, especially when it allows me to get out of this church shirt and tie once in a while. I also love the many things I am learning as I get to spend two or three hours each Saturday going over and workin in a member's garden - AKA a huge monstrous overgrowth of flowers, weeds, and poison ivy. What a blast!
    Well, I guess today, something that really struck me was the teamwork necessary to get some of these stinkin weeds out. One of the worst was a huge group of grapevines that had intertwined themselves in some Japanese Maples. The problem was, we didn't want to cause too much damage to the Maples, but if anyone knows grapevines, they will know what a pain they can be. I learned that what would've taken me hours to accomplish by myself, took about thirty minutes as all four of us surrounded, and then annihilated those grapevines. Goodbye grapevines, you won't be missed....

(Not the actual grape vines, but you get the picture)

    Our relationship with the Savior is a lot like this. In our life, we come up against massive grapevines that would be very difficult to remove. If left alone, as those we removed today had been, they will grow and intertwine all around us, blocking out everything else that truly matters. By ourselves, we are going to be hard-pressed to remove them. But, with the Savior, when we put our lives in His hands, He will work side-by-side with us, to help us remove these grapevines of life.
    Looking back on earlier posts, I realized that I seem to relate everything to our relationship with the Savior and how important it is for us to rely on Him. I guess that that's because it is something that I have come to learn quite profoundly over the past couple of months, as I have struggled to learn compassion and heal from past wounds. It took me so long, but I have finally come to realize that I can't do it by myself. When I finally realized, and admitted that, I learned that the only way to find peace was to rely on the Savior. I am so much happier, and feel so much more whole than I have ever felt before. I encourage everyone to do the same. Come unto Christ, just as Peter did, and He will rescue us, no matter who or where we are in life.

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