Today, I am going to be borrowing from Matthew Walker's blog, but it's okay. The original post, and blog can be found
here, which I would encourage ya'll to go visit sometime since it's got some really good stuff there. The post is of an investigator and dear friend's testimony who I worked with in one of my previous areas. Her name is Darla Bowes. She will be baptized this Saturday. Here is her testimony.
"I want tell you how I came from searching for the Truth since I was a teenager. I've been to almost every denomination you can think of. At 14, I knew I was in the wrong church. At 16, when I started driving, I would church hop. Sometimes I would enter a church building and the people were very friendly but that's as far as it went. I also felt like an outsider at some and even though I yearned to be part of their service, it was too clickish and I was ignored.
I'd even begged members of these different churches to study with me, but to no avail. I felt like I was traveling in a foreign country where I didn't understand their language. I never would give up though and off I'd go to yet another church.
Nothing changed after I was married. We both ended up church hopping. We had children and we drug them with us. That is until one day....
We had a yard sale 6 months ago and up rode two little Elder fellers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on their bicycles. They were so kind and they asked if we had any ties for sale. My husband actually went into his personal stash and let 'em pick through it. They offered to come back and help us clean up after the sale was over. We were dumbfounded but said it was okay but I didn't think they would show.
We couldn't believe they actually showed back up! We had an amazing discussion and they invited us to their church service. Of course we said yes because remember we were church hoppers.
We hadn't even gotten out of our car the first Sunday morning before somebody came rushing over to welcome us. Wow! I figured it was probably a fluke but no, it was a continuous stream of welcomes.
I'll admit, the service was slightly different than any other church I'd been to. It was amazing! I was a sponge and soaked up every smile, handshake, and spiritual lesson. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I didn't want it to end! My heart melted when I went into this class called Relief Society and I was intoduced as a "Sister".
Why is that such a big deal you ask? Well, at other churches, it was explained to me that since I wasn't a part of their church, I couldn't be called a sister.
I have to tell you at this point, I knew in my heart that my search was over. How did I know this?
Every time the Elders would come and teach me, I understood and believed every word. It has been so natural for me. I've been studying with little Elder fellers for almost six months. I have new Elders now that are studying with me and.........
I am getting baptized this Sat! WooHoo!!!!! I am just "giddy" and I can't hardly contain myself. I can't wait to "bury" my old self and become new when I come up outa that water. Oh.....I cannot wait to receive the Holy Ghost after. Spiritually. I am the happiest I've ever been. So......
The moral of this story is: Don't lose hope and don't give up. Keep searching for the Truth and you will find The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Well, that's my Testimony and I'm sticking to it. I write these words in the name of Jesus the Christ, and amen."
I hope this touches you as much as it had touched me. The happiness that comes from sharing the Gospel is beyond what words can express. The Gospel is true, I bear witness of it, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ.