Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Poem Entitled "Rain"

     So today, as I sat looking out the window of the second floor of the library, I began thinking about the rain, and the abundance thereof that these last two or three days have brought. For all who don't know, I LOVE the rain! It has so many wonderful memories and personal meanings attatched to it for me, that it just fills me with joy and excitement! I decided to write a poem to express my thoughts on the rain, and what not. Hope you enjoy!


         I look up at the rain, and often wonder why,
              these little drops, that come so far,
                will poor down from the sky?

 I am often brought to wonder, at what must be their reason,
               to come down, in such great force,
                         in this, a rainy season.

      And as I sit and ponder, at what those reasons are,
                 I think of all the things they do,
                     for peoples near and far.

   The rain is so important; it brings nourishment and life,
                it fills the Earth with greeness,
                   and cleans up all the frife.

And just like rain that comes to us, and gives us things we need,
                we also need the love of God,
                   for our spirits thus to feed.

    It cleanses, and it purifies, and cleans up all the Earth.
                   It cleans up all the sadness,
                     and gives to us new birth.

And so it is with both of these; the Spring Rain, and God's Love,
               they nourish us, and give us life,
                   from a loving God above.