Friday, April 1, 2011

Adversity and the Atonement

       Alright, in honor of tomorrow being General Conference and all, I found three really good talks that I would like to share. They add upon yesterday's post about adversity. I will post the links as we go along. Make sure you read or listen to each talk. I am just hoping that you are able to pull them up on your computer. If you aren't, well that really stinks. Sorry. So here we go. 
       The first talk is about Overcoming Adversity. Cool stuff, huh? Make sure you read that before we go on. I love it, how it takes Joseph Smith, someone who went through some huge trials, but still remained faithful to the Lord, and learned to truly rely on God with all his might. Do we do that? When we are faced with trials and adversity, do we turn to the Lord, or do we just try to muscle through it all by ourselves? I have tried both at different times throughout my life, and I have found again and again that everything is so much easier when I turn my heart to the Lord, and allow Him to ease my burdens. I think that is what is meant when He says, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" and also, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11: 28,30).
       The next talk I would like to share is about how we can more fully understand that Atonement. It's called Strengthen Our Understanding of the Atonement. Fitting title, huh? That was really good. The Atonement has made it possible for us to return to God. It is through that Atonement that we can rely on the Lord as we go through adversity and trials. I will be forever grateful for what the Savior did for me.
       And lastly, I would like to share one of my most favorite talks of all time. It ties togethere everything we have been talking about yesterday and today perfectly. It's called  Finding a Safe Harbor. Wow. Need I say more?
       Each week, each day, we face trials and adversity that test us, and give us the choice to go through them on our own, or to rely on the Lord. Christ stands at the door and knocks. If we will but let Him in, He will bear us up in even the most trying of times. I testify of this. I have seen it many times in my own life. The Savior is real. He lives. God lives. They love us, and want the best for us.

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