Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Iron Rod

      So, looking back at one of my old posts, I decided to revamp it, and repost it. I have about two or three other posts in the process, so be prepared for me in the relatively near future! Enjoy!

    Let me give a little background first. Lehi, a prophet in the Book of Mormon, had a vision. In it, he describes a lot of different stuff, but in essence, there is a path leading to the tree of life, which represents God and His love. Along this path, there is an Iron Rod, which represents God's guidance that He gives to us, through the scriptures, the Spirit, Prophets, and a myriad of other things.  

1 Nephi chapter 8:30
     30 But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.

     We read that while many were travelling along the path, there arose a mist of darkness. The mist caused many to lose their way and become lost. And there were also others, who pressed forward through the mists, holding fast to the Iron Rod, and they were able to make it through the mists, and reach the tree.

    So, what does this mean for you and I? I have thought about this a lot and wondered what those mists of darkness could have been. I have come to realize that those mists are the temptations, trials, and adversity that each of us inevitably face throughout our life. Many who commenced, or started, on the path, which is the path that leads us back to God, were lost because they become blinded by the many temptations and trials that came their way. If we allow them, they will blind us as well.

    But, we also read that there were many more who made it through those mists, and were able to make it back to God. The difference was one group of people let go of the iron rod, the Word of God, and the others held fast to it. I love that! It wasn't just a casual touch on the rod, nor was it merely loosely gripping the rod, either; rather, those who made it through did so by HOLDING FAST to the rod. That implies a firm grasp, without letting go, even for a moment.

     In order for all of us to get through the temptations and adversity in such a crazy world, it is imperative that we hold fast to the word of God, through constant prayer, daily scripture study, and weekly church attendance, as well as proactively seeking God's will for our lives and exercising an unwavering resolve to do it. If we allow our grip on the rod to loosen, or completely let go, even for a moment, we risk wandering off and being lost in the world, from which we might never return.

     God loves us, and has provided a way for us to return to Him. Never let go of the Iron Rod; never give up. He loves us and wants all of us to return to Him safely. There is hope, and each and every one of us has the power to make it back.

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