Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back to the Basics: Faith (Part 2)

     Yes, possibly the most basic of all the basics, faith. So, as much fun as long discertations that put us all to sleep are, I will do my best to refrain. Rather, I want to give a scripture or two, either from the Book of Mormon, New Testament, or the Old Testament, that really demonstrate this principle. As I contemplated what scripture I would like to share, many stories came to mind that showed a huge amount of faith. There was Noah who built the ark, Moses who lead the Israelites, David who defeated Goliath, and many more. But, today, I want to talk a little bit about a personal hero of mine. His name is Nephi.
     Nephi is a prophet from the Book of Mormon, roughly around 600 BC. Nephi was commanded by God to build a boat. Not only that, this boat had to take him and his whole family across the ocean to the promised land. Also, Nephi had never built a boat before and had no clue how to do it. But, he was obedient and full of faith, and when he was commanded, he simply asked, "Lord, whither shall I go that I may find ore, that I might make tools?" (1 Ne. 17:9).
    And then, the Lord showed him how to find the ore and how to build the boat. What a great example of faith! He had no clue what he was doing, but he had faith that the Lord would show him the way to do it, and that if he was obedient and followed God's commands, the boat would function properly, and it would be able to transport his family safely across the great waters.
    I love this story. It shows that faith is truly more than just believing and hoping, it is action. Nephi didn't just sit around, hoping the boat would magically build itself, or that tools would randomly pop up out of the ground. Rather, he asked the Lord where to find ore to make tools and how to build the boat, and then DID it. I love Nephi's example for me. As I have great oceans to cross, and huge tasks that the Lords asks me to accomplish, I sometimes look at it and say, "You've gotta be kidding me!". But, the Lord promises that if he commands something, he will always provide a way for us to accomplish it (1 Ne. 3:7). All we have to do is have faith, and trust in the Lord, and there will ALWAYS be a way! I have seen this so many times in my life, especially out here on my mission, and I too can promise that all we have to do is go forward in faith, and the Lord will guide our footsteps.

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