Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Beauty Locked Within

   I love Spring! I am glad that it is finally here!! I looked out of our laundry room window the other day, and looked at the tree that had before been barren and seemingly dead ( as trees usually do during the winter). Far from looking dead though, it now had a million, beautiful, white buds! It was soooo pretty! With Spring underway, and all the trees, and flowers in full bloom, I can't help but ponder life, and the newness of everything all around.

    Although it is a very inspiring topic that I have seen some wonderful blogs about, I am NOT going to be posting about the newness of life. Instead, I am going to take it a completely different direction.

   I actually wanted to focus on the contrast that now exists, between the seemingly dead tree that existed outside our window during the winter months, and the now beautiful tree with millions of white blossoms. For me, those blossoms symbolize life that was locked up inside, waiting for the right moment to be unlocked, and set free.

    We, every one of us, have great potential locked inside. To each is given certain aptitudes, abilities, and accomplishments. Some of those we know of. Many, we do not. In this life, we have a great opportunity and privilege to seek out, to do, and to discover those hidden attributes within all of us.  And we can do so with great help and assistance from our Heavenly Father.
    Going back to the tree, did that tree say, "I am just a dead tree. I don't know if I will ever be beautiful". Nope, not even a little bit. Instead, when the time was right, it stretched out its limbs, and blossomed with all its might, and is now a big, wonderful, leafy tree, that provides shade, protection, and beauty. So, too, we might feel that we are just a dead-looking tree, with little ability or beauty. Not true. Within each of us is the capacity, and ability to do many great, and wonderful things.

  We may look at others, and feel they are much more talented, or more beautiful, or kinder, or more spiritual, or more whatever it may be, than us. Again, did that tree look at a rose bush, and say, "Oh, how I wish I was that rose bush, for how could I ever be half that beautiful?" When that tree blossomed, it rivaled any rose bush I have ever seen. Allow me to add, the greatness of our talents and abilities is not dependent on another's. Rather, it is only dependent on what God thinks, and depndent on if we are living up to, and achieving more of our potential each and every day.

   Each Spring, we get to see the miracle of new life, and new growth all around us. Where once existed a forest of bare limbs, and empty bushes, a vibrant growth of green leaves, and beautiful flowers of all colors flourish around. So too, Christ will help us to discover the beauty that resides within each of us, and as we allow Him, He will unlock the beauty within, and set it free.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful words of wisdom. I love you!! Mom
