Saturday, March 17, 2012

Only Two Choices

    This last Wednesday, we went over to some other missionaries' house, and had a wonderfully delightful meal. The meal consisted of pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, deviled eggs, and salad. The meal was healthy, delicious, and gave me the strength, nourishment, and energy I needed. The foods we ate are full of what are called "complex-carbohydrates". Complex carbs take your body longer to break down, thus sustaining you for hours.

   Now, compare this to a meal I had had about a week before that. Let's see, I had apple pie and ice cream for lunch, and then for dessert, I finished it off with some candy. Also pretty tasty. Healthy? Not quite. Those kinds of foods are full of what are called "simple carbs". They break down quickly, causing your blood sugar to spike, and then crash. They wear your body out, and provide little to no strength, energy, and nutrition. They leave you feeling tired, unhappy, and worn out.


  So, what does this have anything to do with anything? Eat healthy!
  Ok, as good as eating healthy is, there is a much greater lesson to be learned from these two opposite meals. Those good foods in life that give us strength, energy, and health we can call "love". And the poor foods that leave us feeling weak, unhappy, and worn out we can call "hate", as defined as "the absence of love". When we choose love, we are sustained, and given the energy and strength that we need. It will bring us true happiness, and joy, and will leave us feeling "full" and ready for the tasks ahead.

   On the other hand, when we eat food, or make those choices, that are born of hate, or a lack of caring, we will be left feeling weak, unhappy, and worn out. So, when you are about to make a choice, remember that our choices will either sustain us, and help us to obtain happiness and joy, or they will drain us, leaving us feeling weak, and worn out. Bottom line: Choose Love!

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