Friday, April 8, 2011


          As I sat pondering this morning, something I find myself doing often, I began to think about my beautiful Washington, where I consider home. As many know, it rains A LOT there, nearly every day for about two-thirds of the year. As such, rainbows are far from uncommon. Thinking about rainbows, I was reminded of a song I often used to sing as a kid in nursery at church:

          I often look for rainbows, whenever there is rain,
     and ponder all the beauty of an Earth made clean again.
        I want my life to be as clean as Earth right after rain,
         I want to be the best I can, and live with God again

     This song, titled "When I am Baptized", is talking about becoming clean when we are baptized. But, this morning, the first line of this song took on a whole new meaning for me.

      When people think of rain, they often associate it with gloominess, dreariness, or even sadness, as opposed to rainbows, which are often associated with happiness, peace, and hope. The line, "I often look for rainbows whenever there is rain", brought on new meaning for me this morning. When there is rain - gloominess, sadness, trials, or struggles, it is important for us to look for the rainbows - things that bring us happiness, hope, and peace, which always come with the rain. Even more, it's important to realize that the rainbows are always there, but it isn't until the rain comes out that we can clearly see the rainbows and fully appreciate them.
    There will always be rain at different times throughout our lives. But, especially during those "rainy days", it's important to remember that there are always rainbows. If we will but look for them, we will find them.


1 comment:

  1. That is so true Elder! There is always the happiness and peace there, but it is a choice, and we have to seek after it!!!

    Search for the Rainbows, and life will be smoother!!!
