Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reflections on General Conference

       Wow, conference was intense, wasn't it? I love General Conference, when we can all listen to our leaders, and especially the prophet, and hear the words that God would speak to us. I always get so much out of it. Among the many lessons that I learned and re-learned were to be a peacemaker, to be submissive, that kindness is an essence of greatness, and that growth cannot come without challenges. Probably one of my most favorite talks was the one by Lynn G. Robins. Let me pull that link up for you. Here it is.
        I love the comparison he made between being and doing. I think the greatest piece of insight that I got out of it was that as we do, we become. That if I want to become charitable, I need to be serving and acting in love, and doing those things that will help me to become charitable. If I want to become full of faith, then I must be acting in faith, and exercising it daily. And, if I want to become like the Savior, I need to be doing those things that the Savior did, that I too, might become as He was and as He is.

1 comment:

  1. Love the post. As I read the part about the we become what we do I couldn't help thinking about the good ol' saying "you are what you eat" Guess it just stands to be true!
